Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What is this a photo of? - II

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Update: The Answer!

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What is this a photo of? - I is here.


Domestic Diva's Garden said...

is this a pretzel?

Unknown said...

A croissant?

Anonymous said...

A plain or paper dosa.

Bijesh said...

dosa.. :)
could be one of those extra long paper/roast/whatever dosas

Anonymous said...

A vacum of a rolled dosa ! Yummy...

Chakra said...

ada.. Dosai.

Anonymous said...

Plain dose.
Looks lonely without alu masala.

Stone said...

Paper plain dosa?

Bhaskar Sree said...

paper dosa... neatly rolled!!

Anonymous said...

looks like the inside of a dosa to me.

Anonymous said...

a cream-roll with the innards licked out? :-)

- s.b.

Sushma said...

Crispy butter dosa ? Looks yum...

Sujatha Bagal said...

Here's the moment of reckoning - it's the inside of a paper roast dosa!

I've put up another photo of the outside of it.

Thanks for all the comments! Biju, these don't come with alu masala. Mookuthi, A4ism, s.b., better luck next time!

Anonymous said...


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

everyone got it except me. shows how long it's been since i've seen one.


Sujatha Bagal said...

MG, :)

TGFI, well, there were a few wrong guesses, so take heart. :) And go have one dosa, no? Please. Are there no Indian restaurants where you are?

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

:) the desi restaurant in my small town stopped making dosas for some reason. :(

but i will get to go to the nearby city soon and then i will get some and tell you about it :D

*NovaBags* said...
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