The snow came down thick and fast and wet. If you didn't keep up with it, it got heavy as the minutes ticked by. Fluffy and light on top, watery (later icy) at the bottom.

Just beyond the windows, the kitchen was warm and inviting.
We shoveled and shoveled. And shoveled. At least five times on the deck in the back and four times out front.
This morning, the sun was out!

Our fence grew a few inches overnight.

Winter is here, but spring seems so far away.

Icicles cling on to the roof edge for dear life.
A jet zooms across a nearly cloudless, blue sky this morning.

The sidewalk looks like a tunnel.

We lost the top of our holly tree to the weight of the snow.

I have a feeling we'll remember this for a long time.
The snow keeps looking more and more impressive and beautiful. And thank you for permitting me the use of your photo. Have a look at This ....
Fantastic photos! It is beautiful, but having been through the same thing here last winter, I have to agree that Snowmageddon is the perfect title. But how gorgeous it is to look at!! Have a great day! Stay warm!
Good Lord. Come back to Bangalore for a few more weeks. The pics look beautiful though and if you aren't a winter-coward like me I bet you'd enjoy it.
Sun , snow and blue sky make for beautiful pictures, but you can have too much of a good thing, by the look of it!
Enjoyed your post. I took tons of photos. I will just point family/friends to your pictures to give a snapshot of what we went through. Yes, we will remember this for a long time. We lost a couple of cypresses. Funny how the snow hangs on the trees like ghosts. Right?:)
coooooooooool pic
The pictures look absolutely stunning but I have been in it and so don't miss it esp this time of the year :) Feel free to come visit us to thaw yourself ;) I can promise you warm weather and good company :)
If you need warmth, just come to CAL. :-)The photos look beautiful..
Nothing could be as spectacular as the sun after the snow! And your pics do justice. :)
So beautiful, makes me heavy with nostalgia. I'd be happy to trade places for the rest of winter :)
And loved the snow commode in your later post. It might have passing dogs trying to drink out of it!
Lovely photographs but I can imagine the torrid time you must've had clearing the snow!
Suranga, it does, doesn't it? Thanks for the link. Loved the verse!
Sylvia, thank you!
Chox, Bangalore seems so enticing right now!
Jinksy, too much of a good thing is right!
Praba, Jyoti, thanks.
Sands, already longing for the feel of sun on the skin, so might take up your invite! And am sure of the good company!
Shoba, :) thanks!
AJ, thank you! What a lovely thing to say!
DS, thanks!
Minal, it was and is terrible!
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