Friday, May 04, 2007

Coming Back Home to Rice, Dal, Ghee and Pickle

We were away for five days in Bangkok and Hanoi. Let me just say it's wonderful to come back to dosas and spicy coconut chutney for breakfast and hot rice, leftover dal (six day-old dal was surprisingly good, or perhaps tomorrow I'll be singing a different tune, eh?), and ghee and pickle for lunch. Yum, yum.


Shobha said...
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Shobha said...

Hi. You have a lovely blog going here .. read your posts about moving to B'lore and all I have to say is Wow :-) I wish I were moving to B'lore. If you know of anyone who has a blog about such info regarding Madras, do let me know b'coz that would be a lifesaver!

Btw, welcome back, hope you had fun in Bangkok and Hanoi :-)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

wb, sujatha, hope the trip was fun.
I have a post for you on my blog. :-), come read when you have a chance.

mookuthi said...

so totally understand what you say. i went away for 8 days to arizona, to come back and eat dal, pickle and rasam was yummy!!!
Hope you had a great trip. Cant wait for you to write up on bangkok and hanoi:)

Sujatha Bagal said...

SS, thank you! Feel like my blog is my third baby. :) So thanks for saying nice things. About Madras info, don't know anyone who has a similar blog for Madras, but if I do I'll surely let you know.

Hi TGFI, saw that! Wonderful! I'm so glad you got to eat dosa after so long. I was feeling pretty bad when I read your comments on that post. :)

Mookuthi, lol! Thank god for Indian stores, eh?

Will put up the travel posts soon. I have so many in draft mode, it's not even funny.

Btw, I'd love to get a mookuthi, but my husband is dead against it. :( Says it'll spoil my beautiful nose. :) Do you have one and if you do, what reactions do you get in the US?

Kavi said...

Welcome back ! Have been reading your posts about Children, schools, Bangalore et al. Have been wowed !

Have infact shared a few of your posts with other friends, who loved it too ! Thank you !

Look forward to reading more of your posts !

Sandhya said...

your blogs on schools in blore have been really usefull. i live in chennai . have a seven year old son whos in abacus montessori school. been there since his preprimary days. will be moving next academic year to bengalooru;). my husband is an old cottonian and is keen that his son attend bishop cottons. i have my apprehensions of cottons of the 1980's and now. the few i have spoken to on the school .. its a mixed reaction. my sons school in chennai has montessori teaching till the 4th and then they move on to the ICSE syllabus. class strength has been something like would really help if i had some input on bishop cottons ..

Sujatha Bagal said...

Hi Kavi, thanks. Such a nice thing to say!

Sandhya, I know Cottonians have fond memories of their alma mater, but I have not heard good things lately about that school. Apart from class strength, one mother told me that the teachers are disaffected and are looking to move to the newer, better paying schools. The teachers' frustration shows in their interaction with children (one class was locked up for a while for misbehavior and left until they all started crying and someone else heard them).

If other parents have had different experiences, please share them here. Thanks.